Go Green Bags

Plastic bags are choking the earth, filling up our landfills, leaching chemicals into our water and food supplies!

So we have to stop using them.

The GG Bags

Here is My solution for replacing plastic grocery bags. 

They still have a place in our day-to-day garbage regime, so illuminating them completely has left a few homeowners (me included) a we bit perplexed especially when you are out of them.

the extra garbage that is neither recyclable nor organic

specifically for the Black bin or Blue bin

Not a shopping bag but a garbage bag. Just wash it when it gets grungy and use it again

fast drying and waterproof

Two to a bag for only $25.00

all proceeds go towards rehabilitating Louise

ASHEVILLE, NCLouise Leard – Let Her Light ShineApril 9, 2019 …..Louise’s speech is slooowwly coming back, with the …Last donation 1w ago$32,775 raised of $67,000

My dear Cousin Louise Leard